Monday 10 June 2024, 8pm The New Space, Mansfield Road, Oxford OX1 3TZ 'Where the bee sucks' Schola Cantorum of Oxford with Patrick Keefe (baritone), Sam Mitchell (piano)
PROGRAMME Gerald Finzi - Seven part songs of Robert Bridges Herbert Howells - King David Gerald Finzi - For life I had never cared greatly Judith Weir - Vertue Ralph Vaughan Williams - Tired Muriel Herbert - The Crimson Rose Judith Weir - Love Bade me welcome George Butterworth - Requiescat Denis Browne - To Gratiana Dancing and Singing Peter Warlock - Captain Stratton's Fancy Frank Martin - Songs of Ariel
A note on the venue The New Space is an intimate recital space found within the Gradel Quadrangles at New College, University of Oxford. Entrance for concerts is available via the Gradel Quadrangles Porters’ Lodge on Mansfield Road. The New Space is just across the quad from the entrance. The entrance and route to the New Space is level. The recital hall is fully accessible with disabled toilets.